our weekend starts on wednesdaaaaaay
I reaaaaaallllyy want to go outside and get a cup - or vat - of coffee but NYC is currently disgusting and wet. A mixture of rain, sleet, and snow. Wasn't the first day of spring this week?!?! Spring isn't supposed to be nasty. I love spring. Not cold anymore, and not tormentally hot. Is tormentally a word? It is now. Booya. And plus I love wearing flip flops, jeans, and tank tops more than anything in the world. Maybe not more than the coffee that I am craving right now though.
So a certain friend who will remain nameless, but who reads this religiously ;-), is sad (and who also will remain nameless since I do not know who ELSE reads this haha). A lot of our friends spend their time on the road, playing gigs around the country - a lifestyle we are all to familiar with and love. Trying to find pockets of cell phone service, a coffee shop with free internet, a nearby city to meet up with friends...we all understand each other's lifestyles and we adapt to it - but sometimes it does suck when it is inconvenient, not by anyone's own fault, just circumstances. Not too long ago we went to the mall and I said that it's ok, because we can always bring our friends with us - they are portable. We can pop them into the CD player and everything is almost fine again.
Tonight I will be accompanying Angela to Apocolypse to check out Ryan Link. Ken said he is great, as was his indie band. Ken also informed me that Mike Dinneen worked on his old band's album at Q records. How fantastically excited am I?!?!? And how sad is it that this kind of shit gets me excited?! Mike does great work and his bands are awesome. It's an added bonus that Jay Barclay will be present. Oh my!
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