Adventures in Gilbertsville
Friday was the epitome of a stressful work day! The last two hours were full throttle, and if it seemed absolutely crazy in NYC, it was even worse in LA. We all pretty much live and die by our cell phones and e-mail and without either and trying to get work done it just brought the hecticness to an all new level. I stayed late at work, then met up with Maryellen in Hoboken and we took to the highway to the Todd Martin show in PA.
I had asked Maryellen to bring me some whiskey, but she opted for a bagel and coffee instead. Maryellen shared stories about some coworkers and we pondered how some girls can sleep with just anyone. Oh yeah, Maryellen also hit a possum...not to be the last. We had on a mix CD which had on LDE's "The Story", in which Maryellen informed me that this was her favorite song of the moment. Oh how perfect - I love it. Afterwards we put in Weezer and sung really loudly as we cursed the stupid drivers in the left lane.
We turned off 78 and busted out the mapquest directions not knowing where we may end up. Again, we reaffirmed ourselves that we could never live out where we were going. Now granted, I am as most farm girl as they can get in Newark - working at the crack of dawn in the barn - but this is way different, this is where they announce engagements on fire hall marquees and still have christmas lights up in April. Surpringly, mapquest was word for word correct in getting us from point a to point b. Ah yes, we knew we were at the All Star when we arrived at the largest and most lit building in Gilbertsville.
We grabbed some Yuenglings and grabbed a table near the stage. Hung out with Brad before the show - update: he has purchsed a Treo and ditched his BlackBerry, and were introduced to the old school (high school/college) TM crowd. I really liked Todd's opening number. TM's mom was in front of me and I think she said that it was an older song of his, but I may have misheard. Sounded like ROI era Vertical Horizon. They had a long night ahead of them, so we got a to of TM originals and covers of Jack Johnson, Ryan Adams, Angie Aparo, Vertical Horizon, and DMB. Todd also said something about my indie cred on stage, but I missed it.
During the set break we took silly pictures (see below), sampled fine beer, discussed radio play, and talked nonsense. I also don't want to call anyone out, but this is a mystery. Ok, so there is this girl, I met her before, but we didn't really talk, I don't remember her name. I know she isn't from around here, somewhere out in the midwest - but she goes to faraway TM shows. Which is nothing out of the ordinary, because you all know very well that I can be in any state at any given time. But whether or not I am traveling for work or pleasure, I am usually having a great time. That is the essence of the roadtrip, not only do I go to shows to support my friends, but also because of the experience before, during, and after the show. More often than not I meet new people at the shows and will pretty much talk to anyone. Now, here we are, hanging out with Bill who just just met two weeks earlier, and other PA locals, having a fabulous time. This girl didn't socialize at all. Maybe that's not her nature, but she just downright looked like she wasn't enjoying herself and seemed miserable. And this isn't the first time she has seemed that way. I don't want to judge her, but why travels hundreds and hundreds of miles to just be alone and listen to music. CD's are cheaper and aren't interactive. Who knows, again, I am not being mean, I am just perplexed. But what do I know.
After the show we packed up the belongings and headed out. Brad pees in trees. We all said our goodbyes and Maryellen and I were off to Wawa. Oh how I love Wawa. Sandwich, chips, and coffee. And can I just tell you how much the pesto sauce rocks!? We pondered the actions of guys, why people don't make sense, and sang along to CDs. Halfway home, we switched off. Yay for stick shift cars. I can't remember much about the ride home because we were absolutely exhuasted, so regardless, whatever we did probably didn't make much sense.
We rolled in at 4 am - typical Friday night, how I miss thee. :-)
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