"I'm spinning round the room in awe" ryan adams

Saturday, October 12, 2002

ahhhhh Homecoming weekend....when else can you go to Pathmark at midnight on a Friday night and actually stand in line with other people all holding breakfast food. Eggs and Kegs. And all the store brands. Cheapness is where its at. But we're not having eggs or kegs. We did that two years ago. We're now tailgating. But instead of BBQing...since we're starting at 9 am, we're soing the breakfast thing since we're not allowed to do the grilll thang because of the drought. It was also like a small little family in the liquor store. How many different things can you mix with OJ? I can't wait to see everyone again :-) I can't beleive how lmuch time has passed and how far we have travelled. What a long strange trip its been....