Spoonful of Pop
The new New Pornographers cd makes me extremely happy.
Again, like the Tim Easton album from last night, I feel that this CD is nearly flawless. I think I have listened to the recording at least seven times in the past four days. I really enjoy the Stratford 4 album that I listened to as well today.
The newlyweds came over tonight and we all ate chinese food. It was crazy good times.
And speaking of crazy, I am off to bed because I have this insane notion that I will actually wake up early and go running before work.
Ok, and so yeah, the new Turin Brakes video just came on Subterranean. I like Ethersong a lot better than the Optimist LP. Subterranean is one of my favorite things. Other entities that I have exclaimed were my favorite things in the past twelve hours: the new Fruit Juicy Grapermelon gum, internet at work, my black ballet slippers that I wore today, and vegetable spring rolls. Those are the best things ever.
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