"I'm spinning round the room in awe" ryan adams

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

So I finally finished the Green to Think music video, "Sundays Were Meant For This". It kicks major ass. I can't even count how long it took to complete the project...and this is just the music video, the "rockumentary" has been finished. Brace yourself for boring tv speak. I had nine video tracks to work with and four audio tracks to use for sync-ing. All for five minutes and ten seconds. To me, it is comparable to handing me a palette of paints. You have so many choices and so much that you can create with what you have. That was the only obstacle, just having so many visuals and not knowing which was the strongest to use since all of my choices had strong and weak points. The only stifliing factor was that if one clip was off, they were all off at that one part. Well see if anyone can catch my "coorections". And of course, out of all nine video clips, none were at the same tempo as the recorded track that I used for the video. The fun of NOT creating a japanamation music video. Reading lips has become a fine art that I have mastered. And speaking of which, a few thinsg I have noticed while watching the video four hundred times: Steve's lips don't match the word he is saying. Hours later I still don't think he says "side". He says "by his...'something other than side'". And you know how when you concentrate on doing something, it becomes more difficult? Such as breathing, when you think about it, it seems like such a more daunting task than it actually is. take Ken and walking in the video. Again, watching the video nonstop, I noticed how Ken walks a bit stilted as if he is trying too hard to walk. Or then again it could be just the stunt cock that is hindering the graceful walking through the sand.
But the video is complete and though I had bouts of insanity from caffeine and sleep deprivation , I think it came out pretty damn good and I didn't damage anything this time. Nothing exploded and all of the technology in the editing rooms are still intact (see previous blog on how I made the editing cube explode and now deemed inoperable). Yay for survival.