miss fix it
I just spent the past few hours building my bed. My mattress was delivered - yeah yeah yeah, i bought a mattress and had it delivered because there was no way in hell I was going to try to lug mine up 5 flights of stairs let alone try to figure out how to get it here - and I was bored, so I found my bed pieces and fastened it together. I didn't use any tools, just my sheer strength. I sweated and I bled. Put my box spring and mattress on top, and it kinda feels safe. I wouldn't exactly jump up and down on it yet, but as for now, it is better than my air mattress. Just debating on whether or not to bring up my futon or not. It was pretty much there as a couch and overnight guests, but now that I have an apartment with space, there are couches and my air mattress. Hmmm...thoughts?
Ok, back to cooking pasta. I have never used an electric stove before.
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