"I'm spinning round the room in awe" ryan adams

Friday, November 14, 2003

"sit back and relax and inhale the next drink"

Thursdays are always long, but often times an upcoming fun weekend gets me through.
I worked open to close, then the crew hit up the East End to support Marlon Spike. Pregaming happened at my place then walked in the blustery tundra to the EE. If you are a regular to my journal, you will know that I think the EE is one of the happiest places on Earth. Along with Wawa. Totally blows Disney out.
If we weren't already drunk, we definitely pushed our limits there. Marlon Spike put on a really awesome show and a highlight was the good times we had in the audience. It was a massive group of us who were just spread out at the bar - hopefully the pictures come out. They definitely showed the East End how its done.
We're all hanging out after when Chris announced that we're all partying at my place. Fine by me haha. So there was seriously just a mass of people going from the EE to Rainbow. I rode with Oliver and we stole Tanya and halfway there Dan lept onto Oliver's and my lap while driving. Get to my place and mass quantities of liquor and beer and malt beverages were consumed. Trying to remember this days later is a bit hazy, it was just impromtu and crazy. Its always great to reminisce, talk about music, and be foolishly inebriated. We crashed around 5:30am. Yowzers, work in the morning!