kitchen-567, miranda-0
I still haven't won a battle with my kitchen. Fuck you kitchen. I haven't had feeling in my left index finger for almost 3 hours now.
Today's menu was a healthy one: coffee from Maryellen and Wawa, Brooklyn pizza, and cupcakes from Magnolia - so I decided the next thing that I ate was going to be healthy. I was making a fruit salad while talking to my mom on the phone when the Great Kitchen Bloodshed of 2005 occured. Here I am chatting away and the knife slipped from my hand while sawing at the grape stem and totally gashed my finger. My stomach turned in knots as my finger stung like a mother fucker and complete sliced open. I honestly thought I cut the tip off. I could feel the blood drain from my face and I told my mom I would call her right back. No need to scare the crap out of her 120 miles away. I dash to my bathroom, gushing blood all over the floor along the way, and grabbed toilet paper, wrapped my finger up and started hyperventilating.
I'm alone in my apartment, I have no feeling in my finger, blood is everywhere, i don't have health insurance from work yet, and I have no idea where the closest clinic is. I start to feel sick and my heart is still racing, so I call my mom and try to gain composure. She keeps asking why I am out of breath - because I am panicking and scared, but I couldn't tell her that or she'd freak. So she told me to keep pressure on it, so I did and I called Maryellen to find out where the clinic was just in case my fingertip did fall off.
I then sat on my floor with my hand held above my head and me head between my knees because I thought I was going to throw up and I was dizzy. This lasted for about 15 minutes then I couldn't sit still anymore and scampered to my computer where I talked to Jay, Morgan, and Maryellen all with one hand and typing very badly.
I just now took the tp off and my finger looks dead. It's all white and purple and completely gashed open diagonally from the top knuckle line to my nail. I seriously must have JUST missed my nail and bone - it's so gross and huge and I still can't feel anything. It's gonna leave one doozy of a scar. I just operated o it compliments of expired neosporin and target bandaids.
Fuck you kitchen.
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