Let's Go Samir!
Ohhh before the day is over - Happy Birthday Chris!!
Today’s work day was deliciously hilarious. I’m so lucky haha. Unfortunately the day came off to a bad start, Randy’s daughter got into a really bad car accident, so he left as soon as it happened. Thankfully she is ok though the car is totaled.
But all hell broke loose when Rich turned on ESPN and the National Spelling Bee was on – score! These poor kids had no idea what they were in for with Rich, Laura, and I critiquing everything they did. We even had nicknames for them, called the play by play action, and determined what they will be when they grow up. There was this one beasty sweaty girl from Jamaica who would bow her head and breathe deeply after every letter. After she lost I was sure she was waiting backstage to pummel one of the kids who beat her.
There was a little break, then the final round came on at 1pm. Laura came back form lunch just in time. Game time! We picked our favorite, little Samir from Texas. Oddly enough, it was very quiet in the office and we were positive that it was because every single music industry office was watching the Spelling Championship.
Little Samir was quite confident. He rattled off those letters and pretty much punked all those other kids. Then it was on…only two kids left. The girls were in Laura’s office and Rich was in his and here we all are screaming at the TV. Poor Samir got second!! Of course we totally taunted the winner. He liked his number card way too much. He tried to cover his face with it, then was speechless when the reporter talked to him. Ironic that the National Spelling Bee Champion was at a loss for words. Wuss.
The Bee ended around 3:30 pm then it was time for the 5:00 pm ritual – “90210”. Every damn day Rich puts on “90210” at 5. He didn’t know I knew for a while, but I can see his TV from my desk and I can see him watching the TV in the mirror. So, naturally, everyday at 5:01 pm I tell Laura that its “90210” time. Today was no different. I IM Laura with, “it’s time for 90210!!” then realized that I had IMed that to Rich! Haha! So then I start laughing and tell him that it was meant for Laura. The next ten minutes was spent with Laura and I collapsed on our desks laughing so hard. It was too damn funny. He told us to be nice to him and how it’s a hard room. Too funny. As we were leaving today he took my last piece of gum because I owed him at least that much.
On a related note, the day was pretty productive. You all need to clear June 26th in your calendars. And I got to talk to all of my work best friends today except for Kyle. Instead it was Marshall in the office. I bet Kyle is off visiting his girlfriend in Europe. How dare my fake California boyfriend whom I have never met or seen go visit his girlfriend! Haha. Wow! Tomorrow’s Friday! Yay!
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