"I'm spinning round the room in awe" ryan adams

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Marlon Spike at the Knitting Factory

Only at Rainbow can I tell the owners that I am cutting out early to drive a few hours to see a show and he is understanding :-)

Tanya and I threw common sense out the window and decided to go up 95 to the Knitting Factory to support Marlon Spike's New York City debut. She had more to sacrifice though, she is student teaching at Newark and has to start her day around 6am. But at least Monday was a holiday for her :-). We were going to leave around 3 and hang out around the City, but Dan called while I was at work and we all decided to drive up together in the evening.

Tanya and I watched the Cosby show and I caught up on emails before making the customary stop to Wawa for caffiene, cash, and dinner. How great is Wawa? We loaded up Dan's Subaru and were on our way with Hey Mercedes leading the way. Sark called when we were a few miles away from the city around 7:15 and told Dan that times got changed and they play at 8 instead of 10. Dan told him he wasn't going to show up. It was a good joke :-).

I was navigator and that was not a good idea. Who puts West Broadway parallel to Broadway!!? Does that make any sense what so ever? So then we turn around and go down a one way. But we made it to the Knitting factory with an awesome spot in front of the gym with pillars. We bring down the gear then go down the street to the McDonalds. Tanya and I braved the scary bathrooms and survived.

We went back to the Knitting Factory and watched Amy Ward, but I don't think any one of us really enjoyed her so we talked instead. Fooling April came on and I liked them, I have seen shows where they have played, but have always missed them for some reason or another. Their guitarist, Rado Randriamamonjy, was on the Cosby show as Vanessa's boyfriend.

Marlon Spike performed last and were on it. Such a good show, perhaps third on the all time great list. Setlist is up on my website. The stage was a bit confining, but they rocked it for a full house. Before the love song, "Melody", Sark informed the crowd of truck nuts. He told us this at Micky D's, how Todd and he saw a truck with, well, nuts on the back. Perhaps it was the same truck that the GTT guys saw the bumper sticker that said "no humping"? Silly NJ drivers :-). Sark also inquired whether there were chrome truck nuts. As the story was starting I think Chris knew what was coming and tried to stop it, but it didn't happen.

But the interesting part of the night was when Chris' piano dropped out of tune during Jade. Well, not Chris' piano, but Brian's from Fooling April. 440 not 424 haha. Wait, not funny. But we have pictures to prove it. The microphone picked up all of his colorful commentary during the whole ordeal during which he told Sark to take a drum solo. So we had a few minutes of drums, bass, and sax before they ended with Foolish Pride and This Time Around.

After selling lots of stuff, the three of us headed out into the cold to the Dunkin Donuts nearby. Who closes a Dunkin Donuts at 9pm?!?! Back into the car and through the Holand Tunnel. A truck was driving next to us putting cones out in the tunnel and I tired to take a picture of it, but I suck and I missed it. We were disappointed, but I mentioned that it may happen again. We get to the DD in Hoboken and were fueled by sugary goodness.

Just checked the board and Sark posted about NYC

make sure you check out the Truck Nutz link.