"the sky belongs to the stars"
So I heard from New York University. I received a thin envelope while I was at work and was so nervous that I took it to the back to read it because I didn't know what I wanted the inside to contain.
They are now asking for me to:
"Write a topical, minimum 500 word-essay addressing the business and privacy issues related to the recent RIAA v. Verizon case. Include your own argument on one side of the case".
I have until February 24th to send the essay via email or fax. Which wouldn't be a problem at all if it wasn't for my rockstar lifestyle haha. Can I just write that I will be going to NYC three times before the deadline to see shows as well as two additional shows in Philadelphia this week while still at Rainbow 30 hours a week and working with my horses every morning? Nope, guess not. Bring it on, challenge!!!
This essay may make or break my acceptance because I am wondering if I was borderline and that is why they are sending me this assignment, i f everyone got an essay question,or if I made the first cut. No idea.
Of course today I have done a whole lot of nothing. No wait, I did venture out to visit Rainbow and go out to lunch. And I moved from my futon to my papason. And yay for laptops that can move with me. "La Bamba" was on Bravo earlier and I had to watch the end of the movie. Funny, I remember seeing that movie in the theatres in Germany and it was the first movie I cried at, I must have been like, seven. And it was on today as I began my research for my NYU paper. Full circle, it all comes full circle.
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