First leg of the Roanoke trip
Hello from Route 581 North. We almost just died. Some ass face decided to go super slow and break ahead of us as a tractor trailer was starting to merge into out lane and on top of Morita’s Civic. I just tried to burn Maryann CDs but my crappy laptop won’t recognize my CD drive, though I just used it the other day. Hopefully I can just reinstall the drivers and not have to take it in anywhere. We’re listening to Green Day’s American Idiot CD as we start the first leg of our trip home – to Dave’s in Frederick, MD; to Chris’s in Pennsauken, NJ; Maryann will take me to the Trenton train station; then I hope on the PATH back to Hoboken; mile walk home. Fun.
Sunday nights are my least favorite day of the week because that usually means the end of a great weekend. Maryann, Morita, Epler, and I packed our bags and headed to Roanoke for the weekend for a Saturday filled of Lloyd Dobler Effect. Plus none of us can deny a good roadtrip through seven states (NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD, WV, VA).
We were all really quiet, staring out the window. I was contemplating on how awful Sheetz dark roast coffee is, but I am drinking it anyways. Epler just started at his cup and verbalized my thoughts and we all concurred. We all need it though since it was like a sleepover last night. We were watching Boy Meets World at 3 am on the Disney Channel all in our beds gossiping. I think we ended up crashing around 4 am, waking up at 10. The night before we got about 4 hours of sleep. All this week I haven’t gotten more than 5 a night. This crappy coffee is necessary.
Oh, maybe I could write about the trip now. I have ADD to the extreme. It’s hot as balls in this car. No one wants to go to the Safari with me off of exit 180. They have giraffes!
Ok, back to the trip, starting on Friday. I slept on the hour train ride to Trenton, so that was uneventful. Met up with Maryann in Trenton at 9 pm and thug boys hollered at us as I was on the phone with my mom. They knew we didn’t belong in the ghetto. We pulled a few minor traffic violations and made it onto 295 with almost getting into an accident only once. I’m really bad luck when it comes to driving, and apparently me being a passenger affects our bad luck. I really am an awesome driver, I don’t know why people fear their lives.
We only got slightly lost going to Moritas so we call him and I think he thought we were drunk because we were loud, high pitched, and couldn’t stop laughing. Get to his place and stop at the Wawa for cash, caffeine, and dinner. I swear, I really am smart…I had a full ride to college, I had top honors in high school, I got a 1490 on my SATs…but I say some really dumbass things a lot of the time. They had the iced coffee machine out and I stare at the two nozzles…contemplating the difference. After not being able to figure it out, I turn to Maryann and ask what the difference is between original and….original. Maryann asks if it sugar and stuff already in it, and staring at it, I say I don’t know. Until I saw that it was blatantly written on the machine that milk and sugar were already mixed it. We caused a moronic scene. But nonetheless, the iced coffee is the best frosty treat ever. It almost made the impending traffic jam bearable.
We seriously were stuck in construction traffic on 95 in PA for an HOUR. It was all fun and games at first until we all got antsy. I was rolling down the window yelling until they banished me from my window privileges. I unlocked the door and used that as my opportunity to yell – then Morita put on all the child safety locks. Around 11 pm we finally started rolling again.
American Idiot is over…Epler handed me my ipod since he doesn’t like being DJ. I loooove being DJ and everyone else usually hates it because I def rock out the Coolio followed by Hootie then like, the Veils. It’s good times. I just clicked to the Beasties. License to Ill…this should get us awake.
Met up with my mom at the Delaware rest stop then booked it to Frederick, weaving in and out of traffic getting there around 1:30 AM. We took showers, checked the email, and plotted out our trip and called it a night. Maryann and I got the wobbly futon which was destined to topple over at any toss. Oh yeah, they all made fun of me so much, so my response was always, “I’m blogging that!” But now I forget what they all had said, so obviously I am not blogging it.
We bypassed the morning Wawa stop and started the 225 mile trek to Roanoke. It was pretty uneventful until we needed a Sheetz for gas and everything else. After about 4 exits with no Sheetz, I was thinking about calling someone who was online who could check for us…then Phil calls, I tell him of my dilemma and he hands off the phone to CB who informed us that the next Sheetz was at our next exit – exit 222. What a lifesaver! :-) We all rejoiced and basked in the bliss that is Sheetz. We got breakfast part two and a full tank.
We yelled at the cars on the highway, seriously now. Don’t be a fucking dumbass. Don’t got ten miles below the speed limit in the right lane. If you are a trucker, don’t be in the left lane. If you are handicapped, don’t be in the left lane.
We found our hotel without the help of directions and passed out for a 15 minute power nap. We had a Sheetz right next to us so we stopped for water then headed to the Microfestivus Beer Festival. It was only a mile walk, so it was ok aside from all the onlookers ogling us knowing that we didn’t belong. We didn’t sport the confederate flag gear that everyone else was in the Sheetz.
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