"I'm spinning round the room in awe" ryan adams

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

wonderful friday night at logan house

I left work a little early and met with Tanya and Dan at Subway for dinner before hitting the turnpike. He would buy the dinner, I would buy the booze – we have a wonderful system.

I grabbed the backseat so I could organize my life as we drove. And by organizing I mean making crucial phone calls. We listened to great music on the way down, including, but not limited to: Ryan Adams, James Blunt, Quick Step John, Ashlee Simpson, Kelly Clarkson, and Justin Timberlake. Needless to say, we sang very loudly.

Once we hit the bridge, I filled my half drunk cup of Coke with raspberry vodka. Tanya said she had noticed that the vodka bottle had gone down considerably since she saw it this afternoon and didn’t think I had a morning drinking problem. She added the berry goodness to her redbull and the last 15 miles were ridden in style with JT’s “Senorita” playing.

Rarely have I gone to the Logan House without having some sort of ordeal with the door guy. Argh. Tim and Andre were behind us and we said our hellos once inside. Wow, I can’t believe I have known Tim for nearly seven years now – craziness! And he always reminds me of home, good stuff. We run upstairs and immediately get slammed in the face with homeness again – Tyler, Jamie, Josh, and Tracey!! Oh fun! It was good to catch up with the Omnisoul guys more so than what AIM and email allow. Jay, Epler, Maryann, and Marissa were already at LoHo as well. Hands needed to be full, so the bartender opened my credit card for abuse.

Nate, Judy, Angela, Fetus, Chuck, Eric, Kristen, and Shaun came in right before the band took the stage. LDE finally discovered the green room upstairs. As the band played, I bounced around trying to catch up with everyone. I love all of my home friends and unfortunately life gets in the way of keeping up to date with everyone. We celebrated Nate’s birthday, though he didn’t want to wear the hat Angela and Judy got for him. I wore it and claimed myself to be a unicorn. I wasn’t drunk, just being silly.

Maryann caught me up on all the drama and we all had a shouting match with Jay on why guys are dumb. He went off on a tirade and it was classic. True and classic. Nate and I had many talks on the porch, which reminded me a lot of our random Newark bar nights. I love being so carefree at home, though hearing about all the home and high school stuff made me relieved to be away and not trapped. Fetus revealed to us that he is the non- Jewish Seth Cohen. Someone should record the LoHo conversations we all have, they’re classic.

I found the NYC girls during In The Water and we danced and sung and were silly. LDE played London as the last song of their first set. The crowd went insane and I loved it. That song is going to be a hit, I call it. And I have a damn good track record for calling hits ;-). Some guy wore fuzzy slippers while dancing and another wore something to the effect of pajama pants.

Speaking of clothing - Donnie won my “best dressed” award. He had on great pants, a nice shirt, and was newly shorn. Certain members of the band like to make faces at me (cough:::cough:::Doug:::cough::::Rusty::::cough) while playing, so I reciprocate. I swear we must look like complete dorks. Angela and I noticed that Chris did not take all of the opportunities that were given to him, though Phil certainly has done a great job of taking his opportunities. Oh! And no Two Step! Phil definitely listens!

Afterwards, Chris averted my attention from the creepy guy who continued to follow me. I thought he was someone else earlier in the night and after I said hello, I was done for. We hid behind the merch table and enjoyed a short conversation. I was also graced with a back massage which may have been the greatest thing at the moment due to all of my stress. He said that I should come back to DC with them, how little he knows how much I would love to just vanish sometimes. My friends wanted to go, and Phil wanted to converse. So I got the brief breakdown od all recent events and upcoming fun. We plotted October, then I was dragged out.

Jay gave me a piggyback ride to the car as we collected our things. I brought my laundry down with me from NYC so I could do it in a real washer and dryer instead of the ghetto one near my apartment. Jay claimed he could carry it on his own and ended up spilling my underwear all over the parking lot. Awesome. Epler drove Marissa and me to Marissa’s and Jay back to his house. Marissa and I haven’t had a chance to hang out recently, let a lone a sleepover, so this was definitely a highlight of the night. She also promised to make an awesome breakfast, so I was sold. As we stayed up till past 3 am talking, we were interrupted by a Wawa themed phone call. Props to Chris from remembering the exit and the toll avoidance on the way to MY wawa. I chatted with Amy before submitting to slumber on the couch underneath purple blankets.

Saturday to be blogged soon…

GBF showcase and other adventures

This past Tuesday, Gran Bel Fisher showcased at the Mercury Lounge. Thanks to all of you who came out, it was an awesome evening.

Dan and I hung out at the (open) bar as I mentally noted who was walking through the door and being checked off the list. Judy, Angela, Steve, Scott, and Laura joined shortly after Dan and I had our second drinks. Socializing and rock ensued and texting is better than walkie talkies. It sounded fantastic and the room was hot and packed.

The Merc has cider on tap, so of course I bypassed the PBR on tap for that. This guy standing next to me had ordered a vodka tonic, saw the bartender pouring my cider, then asked if that was cider to me. I said yes and was asking if he was making fun of me. He said no, that he loves cider and that he didn’t want his vodka tonic anymore. I noticed that he had a wristband on, which meant he was a part of our party. I introduced myself to him and realized that I’ve heard his name and have talked to him on the phone before. So we chatted it up and he brought me onto the floor to meet some of his colleagues.

I went back to my friends and continued talking when J.A. came back to me and invited me to a model party (it was also fashion week). I asked if I could bring Dan, Steve, and Scott and we all met outside. I met some more of J.A.'s co-workers, who told me that I need to get out to L.A. – ha! We said goodbye to Rich and headed off to Prince St.

We dodged the long line and velvet rope. J.A. talked to the doorman, grabbed my hand, and I grabbed my friends’ hands to drag them in while the doorman was trying to get our attention. We did a walk around, lost the Windswept guys, and headed to the open bar. We lasted about 20 minutes until it became boring. Our group reconvened and decided to hit up the Sanctuary Management party at the Down Time (it was also CMJ week). We all pile in a cab, until the cabbie told me to get off of Dan’s lap and someone had to get out – so I did, and hopped into the cab behind us. I had no idea who the guys in the cab were but they were going to the same party we were. They were also at the GBF show. It was a semi-long drive uptown, so I entertained them with my babbling. At a stop light we saw the guys ahead of us all smoosh towards Dan and take a picture. Good stuff.

We got out, walked in front of the velvet rope, and strolled right on in. I found out later that this was one of the hottest parties of the night and apparently exclusive and a lot of people got turned away. Nice. This place was a sauna and plenty of good sights all around. I heard that George Clinton was there, but I didn’t see him. Dan and I saw people that we recognized, but I forget now. We missed the open bar here, but took advantage of one last beer for the evening. There was live music and indie DJs spinning throughout the building. We caught the last few songs of Say Anything. Idlewild was to play after and I love me some Idlewild. I made it to the front and we stayed for enough songs to make me content before we left for the PATH since both of us had to work the next day.

On the walk back to the PATH I could barely walk since my sandals were not conducive to gallivanting on city streets. I weighed the options of walking on hurt feet in uncomfortable shoes, or walking barefoot. The shoes won out. On the way, Two college DJs were lost and we escorted them back to the PATH. On the subway we all talked about music and wawa – a great combination.

“Everybody say ‘cougar!’”

Last Saturday morning, Meredith, Amy and I continued our slumber on the sand of Dewey Beach. It was a great few hours of laziness…chatting, napping, reading, and making fun of people. Ew, these nasty guys, or more appropriately, old men, set up their blankets in front of us, looked back at us, then said, “picking your spot on the beach is just like when you chose your cabin – it’s all about the view.” Then they picked up their gear and moved ten feet behind us and continued to ogle and make comments for the rest of the afternoon. Ew.

We went into the water and of course I acted like a five year old girl afraid of the water and not going any deeper than my knees. I was quite content with my depth though. Unfortunately Meredith did not fare so well with the waves. We called it quits on the beach and vacated to the pool. Oh, and also the entire time Amy kept confusing Meredith and me. She shortens our names to Mir and Mer and needless to say, that often times get blurred into one. And somehow my nickname of “ho face” spawned, so I also responded to that.

After soaking up some rays and waves we decided we needed money and food, so we drove up to Rehoboth, and while driving my ears were blessed with Dane Cook. It was the first time I heard his routine and I think I laughed so hard I cried. Naturally we caused a ruckus in the grocery store and it seemed like the scene in Half Baked where they grabbed everything in sight. While Amy was talking to Koesser, we got lost in the parking lot and I realized that apparently I didn’t graduate from Sunscreen 101. I had red splotches all over my legs!

We unloaded our snacks in our room and headed down to the Starboard to meet the guys: Koesser, Dougie, and Parker. I gave Amy a thumbs up and Meredith and I scoped out the credit cards on the wall. The six of us broke the ice at the outside bar, beers in hand and the sun still shining above. Yay hometown brew of Dogfish Head. In addition to not being able to apply sunscreen correctly, I also can’t walk. I must have tripped at least a dozen times over the weekend. My latest tumble resulted in a cut foot. I didn’t realize that my foot was bleeding until at the bar, but that’s ok because a Scooby Doo bandaid saved the day. One of the guys friends flipped over the railing and subsequently cut off. We all had just met (or re-met) and we all hit it off famously…an interesting night was sure to be in store.

The girls know how to do things right, so naturally our hotel room fridge was stocked. We invited the guys back to our place, where pregaming ensued. Sprawling across two beds, mixed drinks in hands, I think we all lost our minds and laughed till it hurt. Dougie saved the day by scampering out and getting ice and a cork screw. Wine…soco & lime…smirnoffs…they all lead to jumping on beds. Parker and I practically made it a sport. I can’t even remember what conversations we had, but we did master the word “poontastic” and thought of several situations in which the word would and would not be appropriate. Marla and Ed (and Peyton) also joined in the festivities. Peyton wanted to smear hair product all over the window, as any well-reared DC girl should do. After almost all the booze was gone and the Soco was kicked, we decided to break and get ready for the night, which included more boozing and socializing, just at another location.

Amy, Meredith, and I threw our clothes all around and decided that Amy was the most “WYFM?” of all, but Meredith and I came in close behind. The Southwinds was right above Grottos, the natural choice for dinner and drinks. We were all slightly hurting though we still ordered pitchers of Yuengling and two veggie pizzas (thanks, guys!). Parker was missing and we think he got caught in a trap at another bar. Cougar traps are all around Dewey. Simply put, cougars are older women who prowl on younger men. Amy and Chris were visiting in July when we found a guide to Dewey Beach, which included cougars – so naturally on this outing, we went cougar hunting. The boys gave our waitress a semi-hard time, and we met another waitress from Louisiana who found refuge from the hurricane in Delaware. So random the stories people have if you just ask.

We lost Parker to another bachelorette party and we headed up to the Rusty, all of us holding hands. We may lose one another. Koesser got us drinks and we headed to the dance floor to scope out the crowd. We had some drama on the upper level, but it was all entertaining in hindsight. How is it that the guys we know don’t take risks and over analyze implications? We spotted cougars on the prowl and Amy documented them in action. Koesser and Dougie took a picture with two females, one way older. Amy took the picture and said, “everyone say ‘cougar!’”. I think Meredith and I almost choked, Dougie’s mouth fell open, the cougar got pissy, and Koeeser said, “’cougar…?’ what does that mean?!” As if he had no idea… It was classic and a great Amy-moment.

On that note, Amy, Mer, and I joined the crowd and dance and sung along to an awful cover band (Kristen & the Noise). We were surrounded by creepy guys, all of who wore the same outfit: khaki cargo shorts and a blue collared crew shirt. Individually we all tried to fix the drama, then decided to get more drinks instead. We found the jello shot girl and brought her over to the guys so that they could buy us and the cougar shots. So heinous of us. There was a super hot guy from Grottos who was dancing near us, so I tell Amy how hot he is. So she gets his attention!! Me = mortified. I tried to escape, but I couldn’t, so I turn and say hi, he skakes my hand, and I think I turn extremely red. Dougie saved us all so we danced with him for the rest of night and made up our own words to Mr. Brightside.

At last call, we couldn’t find Koesser or Parker, so Amy, Meredith, Doug, and I left without them. Dougie decided to stay in our room for the night since Amy and Meredith were taking him back to MD. He didn’t have a key to his old room, so we sweet talked the hotel lady into letting us into his room. Well, not so easily. I tried to coherently get a key from the lady, but since I am not a Koesser or a Parker, she wasn’t having it. Doug was faced, but somehow got a key by telling her (Koesser’s first name is Doug as well) that the guy (Parker) who booked the room must have put the reservation under his former name, and that he is going through a messy divorce. WHAT!??!?!? Somehow, that worked and we all got into the mold infested room. No, seriously, there was mold everywhere and it was gross. So grab Doug’s stuff, a shower cap, and other fun goodies, and headed down the block back to our hotel room, taking silly pictures en route.

Doug and Meredith were walking ahead of Amy and me. When we got to our hotel, they went up to our room as Amy and I looked at pictures on the digital. We see a guy in a Red Sox hat singing to himself, so I think we smiled, waved, and cheered him on. Bad idea. He comes over and we take a picture of the three of us together…which could have also been the “last picture taken alive” photo that they flash on news reports. He tells us that he is from Silver Spring, MD and graduated from Good Counsel High School. How fucking small is this world? He then invites us to a party in a “six million dollar home”, so naturally our drunk asses our intrigued.

During the walk over, mystery guy tells us that he worked in the Secret Service (from now on, he will be called Secret Service Agent or SSA for short) but had to get out of it because his wife did too and that there was super secret secret service drama and lives were at stake. He also has three kids. Halfway there we didn’t think that this was a good idea, but what could we do? As we walk up to the huge house, he points out his car, with the special SSA sticker in the corner. I think that was code for, “I could kill you and dump your bodies in a place never to be discovered if you run away.” We get to the “party” and everyone was crashed on the floor. It was around 3 am, so we didn’t blame them. There were handful of people still up and we were frightened, but made the best of it. I don’t even think I can talk about it. But SS kept playing a song (Amy, what was it?!?!). Since they were from around DC and the owner of the house was associated with Universal music, we tried to pimp out LDE. As Amy was looking for a pen, we both noticed that the nice, bubbly girl we were speaking with had a prosthetic leg. Ok, we aren’t mean people, and that is very unfortunate, but taking the circumstances that we found ourselves in, it was hilarious. I think we realized it at the same time because Amy said, “Miranda…” and I was like, “no, Amy, I know…” and she said, “no, but…” and I replied, “oh I know…” And maybe you just had to be there, but the others probably thought we were talking about the pen, but instead we were making sure that we were both well away of the situation around us. And on that note, we peaced out. SSA decided to walk with us home. As we are talking about his kids and sports, we look up and see a cop. Amy and I were fine, then SSA was heading the other direction. WHAT!?

So as we are trying to figure out why this is our lives, we enter our room and see Meredith sprawled out on one bed and Doug, the naked Asian guy, sprawled out on another (in his and Mer’s defense, he wasn’t naked, just in boxers, though we couldn’t tell). What were we to do? So we stole the old hotel room key back from Doug and headed back over to the moldy hotel. This would have been fine and dandy if Koesser and Parker weren’t also staying in that same room. And who hadn’t left the Rudder. Which means they are either macking it with some girls in the room, or macking it elsewhere and will come back in the morning. Both situations are equally as embarrassing. So we bit the bullet and trudged over to the hotel as it’s nearing 4 am. Lucky break, the boys weren’t back.

We changed into our pajamas and grab the bed closest to the door and set the alarm for 9:30 am, hoping that if they have to leave by 11, we can leave before they get back and no one will ever know. I had a killer headache so I searched the room for any type of pain relief. Instead I found big boy condoms. Amy and I were doubled over in laughter at the magnums. Some cougar must be getting lucky. The guys returned sometime before our alarm went off. Amy and I sat in bed hoping that the incessant knocking would go away. It didn’t. They didn’t seem too phased, probably because the cougars wore them out – rawr! Parker had to do the Walk of Shame three times, once back to the hotel, then back to where he was at since he left his cell or wallet there, then back to the hotel. Classy!

Amy and I got dressed, which was the same outfits as Saturday night, which aren’t really our Sunday best. Our Walk of Shame was going to be great, even though we just slept with each other. The guys saved us and we got the Ride of Pride as they headed out to the Redskins game. We get upstairs and inform Doug and Meredith on how we almost died and how we didn’t ditch them. Oh yeah, and Amy’s cell phone died so there was no communication to anyone at all even if we did get into real danger.

Instead of napping, we all hit the beach. Amy, Mer, and Doug hit the waves (Meredith won this time) as Terry and I talked about the previous night’s adventures. We decided to fill the afternoon up by walking to Rehoboth for lunch. We made Doug honorary Cougar bait. Greasy food is great when you are tired and hurting – yay Nicabolis. Poor Doug nearly passed out. He tired to order and it took him five minutes to just say “give me that.” We walked back, cleaned up, packed up, and said our goodbyes.

I could have just gone back to MD with Amy, and she offered. But I had to pick up Dan at Marissa’s then back to Jersey City. Dan and I listened to Dane Cook on the way home and it was fabulous. I love having my go go cabrio, it makes me portable.