"I'm spinning round the room in awe" ryan adams

Friday, February 20, 2004

"if you want my body and you think i'm sexy..."

I saw Rod Stewart perform on Wednesday and nearly ate my words for calling him a chump. I was talking to Ken before leaving and he chuckled at the fact I had to see Rod. Rod. Yeah. So on the way I was telling my mom how they changed the First Union Center to Wachovia Center, thus changing the name from the FU Center to the Wack Off Center. Then I laughed because I was seeing Rod at the Wack Off Center. Funny.

We get there and I am the youngest one around. People are amusing. Every guy was in tow of a woman or was gay. Seriously. There was a couple behind me while waiting to get inside...
woman: look happy, we're going to have fun tonight!
man: do you think they will showing the game tonight on one of the tv screens?

I think that man shared the same sentiment as the rest of the hetero male population at the Wack Off Center. It was kinda cute to see everyone so excited about the show, I guess I have gotten so jaded because of the amazing talent I see at initimate shows. And I hope I never grow tired of that.

My mom and I grab our seats and they were super close to the stage, which was great. So many women brought flowers, I thought I was going to puke. I saw some woman leave from the side of the stage and I pointed her out to my mom and said "there wen't Rod's floozy". I didn't expect her to retort with "she probably just gave him a blow job". I nearly fell out of my chair because I don't think I have ever heard her say that before.

Every guy in audience looked miserable, and then I become enlightened realizing that Rod has probably gotten more ass than all of the men in the crowd combined. I verbalized this, apparently a little too loudly, and everyone around me concurred and laughed.

Rod takes the stage with my favorite Rod song, Forever Young. He looked like a rocker and exploded on stage. I was completely taken aback. Man, granted, I think of him more as a performer than a musician, and I was impressed. His band was great. The bassist is from Philly and I think the lead guitarist is his son. After his seventh song he turned around and adjusted himself. I saw it.

Rod sure was energetic for nearing 60 and the ladies swooned. One thing that stuck out was how into himself Rod is. His name is plastered everywhere and every screen behind him had old 80's pictures of himself during his performance. Very amusing. What a shmooze.

He took a break and came back with the Philadelphia Orchestra and a tux and played that American Songbook crap. Shmmoooooooze.

At 11:30 pm it was done and all went home. The Rod Stewart thong was $15 so I didn't purchase it.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

my heart is heavy

So in addition to my usual life in upheaval, I have not been around the people I usually hang around and its strange.

But when you discover that one close friend was convicted of something major a few years ago and an even closer friend is using (and I don't mean anything tame), your life gets a big shove into reality and perspective. We all have our bills to pay, our relationship woes, our constant struggles, but this is life and death.

I don't know how I feel...angry that I have known this person for years and that person is putting themselves in this situation that is totally unlike them? Hurt that this person and I have both witnessed people we know fall into this same trap and not make it out alive? Abandoned? Ignorant? When you see someone all the time you don't realize the subtle signs that are apparently tell tale.

We keep pummeling through this nightmare and I am wondering when we'll wake because I don't feel strong enough.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004


I'm really really cold right now. There is no heat in my apartment. I thought i turned it up before I left the store, but perhaps I did not. My mom brought over some peanut butter oreos since she knew I have been going insane lately with the amount of work I need to get done in regard to Rainbow, WVUD, NYU, and well, life. They are out of arms reach because they are dangerous. Rambling rambling rambling. My fingers are too cold to write my essay, but not too cold to blog. I had this one roommate who liked to put on the AC during the winter while the rest of us froze. Bitch.

Marlon Spike at the Knitting Factory

Only at Rainbow can I tell the owners that I am cutting out early to drive a few hours to see a show and he is understanding :-)

Tanya and I threw common sense out the window and decided to go up 95 to the Knitting Factory to support Marlon Spike's New York City debut. She had more to sacrifice though, she is student teaching at Newark and has to start her day around 6am. But at least Monday was a holiday for her :-). We were going to leave around 3 and hang out around the City, but Dan called while I was at work and we all decided to drive up together in the evening.

Tanya and I watched the Cosby show and I caught up on emails before making the customary stop to Wawa for caffiene, cash, and dinner. How great is Wawa? We loaded up Dan's Subaru and were on our way with Hey Mercedes leading the way. Sark called when we were a few miles away from the city around 7:15 and told Dan that times got changed and they play at 8 instead of 10. Dan told him he wasn't going to show up. It was a good joke :-).

I was navigator and that was not a good idea. Who puts West Broadway parallel to Broadway!!? Does that make any sense what so ever? So then we turn around and go down a one way. But we made it to the Knitting factory with an awesome spot in front of the gym with pillars. We bring down the gear then go down the street to the McDonalds. Tanya and I braved the scary bathrooms and survived.

We went back to the Knitting Factory and watched Amy Ward, but I don't think any one of us really enjoyed her so we talked instead. Fooling April came on and I liked them, I have seen shows where they have played, but have always missed them for some reason or another. Their guitarist, Rado Randriamamonjy, was on the Cosby show as Vanessa's boyfriend.

Marlon Spike performed last and were on it. Such a good show, perhaps third on the all time great list. Setlist is up on my website. The stage was a bit confining, but they rocked it for a full house. Before the love song, "Melody", Sark informed the crowd of truck nuts. He told us this at Micky D's, how Todd and he saw a truck with, well, nuts on the back. Perhaps it was the same truck that the GTT guys saw the bumper sticker that said "no humping"? Silly NJ drivers :-). Sark also inquired whether there were chrome truck nuts. As the story was starting I think Chris knew what was coming and tried to stop it, but it didn't happen.

But the interesting part of the night was when Chris' piano dropped out of tune during Jade. Well, not Chris' piano, but Brian's from Fooling April. 440 not 424 haha. Wait, not funny. But we have pictures to prove it. The microphone picked up all of his colorful commentary during the whole ordeal during which he told Sark to take a drum solo. So we had a few minutes of drums, bass, and sax before they ended with Foolish Pride and This Time Around.

After selling lots of stuff, the three of us headed out into the cold to the Dunkin Donuts nearby. Who closes a Dunkin Donuts at 9pm?!?! Back into the car and through the Holand Tunnel. A truck was driving next to us putting cones out in the tunnel and I tired to take a picture of it, but I suck and I missed it. We were disappointed, but I mentioned that it may happen again. We get to the DD in Hoboken and were fueled by sugary goodness.

Just checked the board and Sark posted about NYC

make sure you check out the Truck Nutz link.

From JAMIE'S Journal

Just saw this and thought it was funny so I will share with you...

From Miranda's Journal...
I just saw Miranda's journal and read the story in there about the night that me and her went to the Grape Street to see MR. NORTH. It's a pretty succinct overview of the night, and I especially like the part about "gaydars". I'm going to have to add that to my vocabulary. Also...Wawa's sweet cream cheese pretzels, aren't just a pretzel. They're a way of life. Thanks for showing me the way to truth, Miranda.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

blinking yellow

From the view in my room from my computer, I stare out into the street staring at the traffic light alternating between halt don't halt halt don't halt and wonder if it will ever see green.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

missing two months

I gave myself a break from researching and went to Wawa for caffeine. Its routine, whenever I know I will be staying up late, whether it was editing or schoolwork, and now driving and just staying up, Wawa coffee just does it for me. Its just the smell and the taste that reminds me that I will be up for a whole and the trusty taupe and green cups will guide me through. I can't even tell you how many Wawa runs we made throughout college for STN related stuff as well as all nighters trying to get papers and projects done.

Last night there were 9 days since the last incident, so I checked tonight and it displayed 69. Now either two months flew by or there is some sixteen year old kid laughing hysterically right now.

"the sky belongs to the stars"

So I heard from New York University. I received a thin envelope while I was at work and was so nervous that I took it to the back to read it because I didn't know what I wanted the inside to contain.

They are now asking for me to:
"Write a topical, minimum 500 word-essay addressing the business and privacy issues related to the recent RIAA v. Verizon case. Include your own argument on one side of the case".

I have until February 24th to send the essay via email or fax. Which wouldn't be a problem at all if it wasn't for my rockstar lifestyle haha. Can I just write that I will be going to NYC three times before the deadline to see shows as well as two additional shows in Philadelphia this week while still at Rainbow 30 hours a week and working with my horses every morning? Nope, guess not. Bring it on, challenge!!!

This essay may make or break my acceptance because I am wondering if I was borderline and that is why they are sending me this assignment, i f everyone got an essay question,or if I made the first cut. No idea.

Of course today I have done a whole lot of nothing. No wait, I did venture out to visit Rainbow and go out to lunch. And I moved from my futon to my papason. And yay for laptops that can move with me. "La Bamba" was on Bravo earlier and I had to watch the end of the movie. Funny, I remember seeing that movie in the theatres in Germany and it was the first movie I cried at, I must have been like, seven. And it was on today as I began my research for my NYU paper. Full circle, it all comes full circle.

a mystery of sorts

Aurora is one of the closest friends I have ever had and it scares me how much she can read me :-). And I am LOVING how ballsy she was in her last "situation" though it is not going how I anticipated, and though it is definitely not the end, I am glad to see her like this. It's definitely a good thing. Sometimes you can't deny how you feel and though both Aurora and I are very strong willed and not girly girls or one of those stupid girls we continuously come in contact with who need a guy to exist as a person, its fun to fall. So good luck to the situation - or BUST! :-)

And damn her for knowing me!! And telling me to go for something. Don't you love my vagueness.

happy heart day

I spent most of my Valentine's Day at the record store with Maryanne and Jamie. The evening was dabbled with conversations about boys, personal injuries, sucky friends, and awful movies. Of course we drew in some customers to join our ramblings. Sometimes I think we forget that people can hear us and half the time they come in just to see what we are talking about haha. We are such the entertainers. Jamie is hilarious, we think the same way and, well, we are elitists - or at least we think that way. We know we rule, haha not really, we just live in our own little world.

Chris M. came down from Jersey and met me at the store before we departed for Melissa's for an evening of laughing, bitching, making fun, and drinking while watching basketball, SNL, and playing video games. As soon as we got there I made a mess in the kitchen by dropping my bottle (it didn't break though) and Chris followed up by spilling his beverage in the dining room. Aurora said something that was witty that would fit perfectly in here, but as I write this, I forgot what it was. A highlight was the carbombs we did and chased with samoas. Brilliant. No place would deliver, so Aurora, Chris, and I went to Wawa (aka Mecca), for sustenence for everyone. Melissa wouldn't let me take my drink with me, so I stole another out of the fridge. We sang Graham just for Chris in the car and followed it up with the Low Life. LDE would have been proud ;-). The Wawa has been incident free for 9 days.

I tried to finish a bottle of wine, from the bottle, but Melissa and Nate took it away from me more than half way through. We watched the Chappelle show and laughed our asses off. It was the one with John Mayer on it. Chris was passing out on the papasan so it was time to leave. And no guys, I did not get sick. Yay me.

thursday night at the ground floor

Marlon Spike took the stage at the Ground Floor on Thursday night, which only means one thing...

The girls (Aurora, Tanya, Marissa, Amanda, Meg, Katherine, and myself) hung out in the apartment before going to the show. We caught up and talked and drank and were giddy. We weren't drunk, just excited, its been way too long and I don't think any one of us were ever quiet before leaving.

Best drink of the moment: Stoli Strasberi (sp), lemonade, & 7-UP.

We arrived a little into our set and immediately we said we had to stand in our usual spot, which was just funny in itself since we only go to the Ground Floor if Marlon Spike is playing. And I feel bad since most of their set was spent with the girls talking amongst ourselves. But we did dig what we heard and saw! Aurora and I had a bet on Chris' outfit, and we lost. On both accounts, down to the socks ;-). We all were just being crazy. Had an interesting conversation with Anthony and Tanya and I craftily avoided creepy Dave. Oliver, Elise, and Nick were present at the GF and I remember talking to Nick about something...or other....yeah, but he didn't go on stage. Oh, during that conversation, MS played a cover - was it Tears for Fears...? I cannot recall.

As soon as MS ended, the GF turned into a hooched out dance party. Dude, it was like 3 degrees outside and all of a sudden underage girlies in tank tops appeared out of the woodwork. None of us are ever like that, so of course we had to be obnoxious to the line of freezing cold girls waiting in line with their F--- Me Boots and mini skirts.

So we laughed all the way to Peace of Pizza where getting two pizzas sounded like the best idea ever at 11:30 pm. We bothered the pizza boys and entertained them with our antics and they hooked us up. Nice. Dan met us on my porch as we walked back to my place to eat and drink. My place was way to bright so Dan and I played with lightbulbs and electricity and that was not the best idea. We both ended up getting the shit shocked out of us and burning some bulbs.

The kitchen was loud and giddy as we talked about Dewey, drinking, nakedness, and the upcoming weekend and beyond. Everyone left shortly after and Chris and I played on the computer and I think Sting was still playing. Yay for iPods. Shortly after, Aurora and Jackman came back over. We're all on the futon and Chris passes out in usual fashion as Jackman makes fun of Aurora.

Jackman's friend is putting on a show in which U2 is headlining and if you have read previous blogs, you will know that Aurora is infatuated with Bono. So of course Jackman said that she can meet him, and of course he is hanging this over her head. Aurora said something mean and Jackman informed her that "this is not the way to meet Bono." Hilarious.

Throughout the night, Aurora and I had an agreement. And we would either fulfill it, or bust. Well, I did not fulfill my end, and she did. OR BUST! :-)

thursday night at the ground floor

Marlon Spike took the stage at the Ground Floor on Thursday night, which only means one thing...

The girls (Aurora, Tanya, Marissa, Amanda, Meg, Katherine, and myself) hung out in the apartment before going to the show. We caught up and talked and drank and were giddy. We weren't drunk, just excited, its been way too long and I don't think any one of us were ever quiet before leaving.

Best drink of the moment: Stoli Strasberi (sp), lemonade, & 7-UP.

We arrived a little into our set and immediately we said we had to stand in our usual spot, which was just funny in itself since we only go to the Ground Floor if Marlon Spike is playing. And I feel bad since most of their set was spent with the girls talking amongst ourselves. But we did dig what we heard and saw! Aurora and I had a bet on Chris' outfit, and we lost. On both accounts, down to the socks ;-). We all were just being crazy. Had an interesting conversation with Anthony and Tanya and I craftily avoided creepy Dave. Oliver, Elise, and Nick were present at the GF and I remember talking to Nick about something...or other....yeah, but he didn't go on stage. Oh, during that conversation, MS played a cover - was it Tears for Fears...? I cannot recall.

As soon as MS ended, the GF turned into a hooched out dance party. Dude, it was like 3 degrees outside and all of a sudden underage girlies in tank tops appeared out of the woodwork. None of us are ever like that, so of course we had to be obnoxious to the line of freezing cold girls waiting in line with their F--- Me Boots and mini skirts.

So we laughed all the way to Peace of Pizza where getting two pizzas sounded like the best idea ever at 11:30 pm. We bothered the pizza boys and entertained them with our antics and they hooked us up. Nice. Dan met us on my porch as we walked back to my place to eat and drink. My place was way to bright so Dan and I played with lightbulbs and electricity and that was not the best idea. We both ended up getting the shit shocked out of us and burning some bulbs.

The kitchen was loud and giddy as we talked about Dewey, drinking, nakedness, and the upcoming weekend and beyond. Everyone left shortly after and Chris and I played on the computer and I think Sting was still playing. Yay for iPods. Shortly after, Aurora and Jackman came back over. We're all on the futon and Chris passes out in usual fashion as Jackman makes fun of Aurora.

Jackman's friend is putting on a show in which U2 is headlining and if you have read previous blogs, you will know that Aurora is infatuated with Bono. So of course Jackman said that she can meet him, and of course he is hanging this over her head. Aurora said something mean and Jackman informed her that "this is not the way to meet Bono." Hilarious.

Throughout the night, Aurora and I had an agreement. And we would either fulfill it, or bust. Well, I did not fulfill my end, and she did. OR BUST! :-)