After going to bed around 4ish after the show, I woke up a little after 9 to hit the gym and run some errands before heading out to Hoboken.
Wanted to hit the road by 3, but of course I always run late. I stopped over Chris's to pick up some goods and to accidently leave my gloves before heading north and of course that meant a quick jaunt to Wawa. Their new Chocolate Peanut Butter Cappucino is amazing. More on Wawa later.
The trip took about two hours, not counting the half hour I took in Hoboken trying to find parking. Hung out with Maryellen for a bit as we talk about guys and compare pictures. She lives a block away from Maxwell's which is perfect. I want to live walking distance to an awesome venue! We grab a few drinks and I eat my frist real meal of the day while I spill to maryellen to latest predicament I have found myself in and why certain people in my life weren't who I thought they were. So of course she was encouraging. :-) During our conversation we saw Steve drive past numerous times in search of a spot, which was hilarious she was able to spot his SUV, but it was all because of the ubiquitous GTT sticker.
Steve, Ken, and Jodie made it to Maxwell's and we chatted with them for a bit. Well, Maryellen talked and Steve jabbed me and asked me why I was being so quiet. I didn't think I was unusually quiet, but apparently I was, perhaps it was the lack of sleep and the miles on the road. We watched the Grammy's on mute. Steve yelled at me for what I play on the radio. Ok, he didn't yell, but he was not happy. Hey, I have to keep him on his toes! The best part of the evening was the entirely weird conversation at the table that pertained to manbags, hair straighteners, and H&M! I have to protect the not so innocent!
Steve, Ken, Melissa, Rick, and I saw OK Go a little less than a year ago in Lancaster, so it was cool to check out the band again with Ken and Steve. We nudged our way closer to the stage in the sea of mixed people. In this town, the corwd was not entirely compromised of teenage girls. They started with "Don't Ask Me" then "There's a Fire", which was the same as the first two songs in Philly and NYC. So of course since I texted the Philly setlist, I retrieved it and we watched as the Hoboken setlist dictated the same setlist as a few nights ago. Even the witty banter was similiar. Granted, the show was still great, but it was like a rerun. Steve made fun of me again for the setlists. Do you notice a trend? Meanie. Just kidding. There were some crazy people dancing near us and Steve asked me if I could pick out the 30 year olds We were both staring at the same guy. I then got back at him by mentioning how he just turned....24, yeah... I also had a chance to make fun of him because he kept yawning and has a penchant for falling asleep as shows apparently. Speaking of people in the audience, Maryellen and I couldn't tell whether the person next to us was male or female. I think we deduced female.
The encore was the best encore I have ever seen, I was nearly in tears. Steve warned me that I would like it since Philly wasn't privileged enough to get an encore. They played Cinnamon Lips boy band style. They synchronized their dancing and lip synched the entire song. It was a great moment in rock and roll. The Backstreet Boys would have been envious.
We hung out outside of the venue which was enjoyable :-).
Left Hoboken shortly after midnight and made it home in less than two hours. Ugh, work in the morning.