Well, I don't even know where to begin.
Last night was a great night.
I can't even begin to write right now on how much PMB has been a part of my life the past few years. If you know me, then you would know, but if you don't then you will read about that all later. But yes, PMB played an outside show in Newark last night. Lauren and her boyfriend came down for the show and Karen, Melissa, and I ran into everyone there. It was just a good time. It was also like an STN reunion which was freaky haha. I like how Public Safety was there to ensure there was no alcohol and nearly everyone there had sports bottles (see previous blog) or juice bottles in hand. It was just great to be there with my closest freinds singing away to PMB at an outdoor night show. It sounded great and the atmosphere was wonderful. I don't know if my friends enjoyed me serenading them though. ;-) Having PMB play in Newark in one of my last weekends here was a good sendoff.
Off to Logan House! Karen, Melissa, Aurora and I trke up 95 to LH to see LDE play next. In the 15 minute carride we decorates Karen's car with pornographic images and Aurora and I had a conversation with each other while both on Phil's voicemail. We go in and and a good time was had by all :-) They played a good set of mostly all originals so yay. Michelle and Jason and Tim made it down so it was great hanging out with them as well. And LDE Jenn was there so we made her dance with us :-) But all in all a great night at the LH once again. And damn those boys. I swear every time I see them I end up not feeling so well.............
I love LH's backstage, its more like the balcony. At least no one fell down the stairs this time. I met Phil's family and think I confused them all. Stole Phil's visor and someones sunglasses. Ended up with black stuff all over me. Gave Phil back his hat, but came home with another hat somehow. A huge conversation was had about the 9:30 club.....see now there is a debate on who didn't talk to who at the 9:30 club gig they did a ways back. Dammit for being 5 against 2.
Damn time for work, I will finish this blog when I get back FROM PETE YORN TONIGHT!!
Saturday, May 10, 2003
Well, I don't even know where to begin.
Last night was a great night.
I can't even begin to write right now on how much PMB has been a part of my life the past few years. If you know me, then you would know, but if you don't then you will read about that all later. But yes, PMB played an outside show in Newark last night. Lauren and her boyfriend came down for the show and Karen, Melissa, and I ran into everyone there. It was just a good time. It was also like an STN reunion which was freaky haha. I like how Public Safety was there to ensure there was no alcohol and nearly everyone there had sports bottles (see previous blog) or juice bottles in hand. It was just great to be there with my closest freinds singing away to PMB at an outdoor night show. It sounded great and the atmosphere was wonderful. I don't know if my friends enjoyed me serenading them though. ;-) Having PMB play in Newark in one of my last weekends here was a good sendoff.
Off to Logan House! Karen, Melissa, Aurora and I trke up 95 to LH to see LDE play next. In the 15 minute carride we decorates Karen's car with pornographic images and Aurora and I had a conversation with each other while both on Phil's voicemail. We go in and and a good time was had by all :-) They played a good set of mostly all originals so yay. Michelle and Jason and Tim made it down so it was great hanging out with them as well. And LDE Jenn was there so we made her dance with us :-) But all in all a great night at the LH once again. And damn those boys. I swear every time I see them I end up not feeling so well.............
I love LH's backstage, its more like the balcony. At least no one fell down the stairs this time. I met Phil's family and think I confused them all. Stole Phil's visor and someones sunglasses. Ended up with black stuff all over me. Gave Phil back his hat, but came home with another hat somehow. A huge conversation was had about the 9:30 club.....see now there is a debate on who didn't talk to who at the 9:30 club gig they did a ways back. Dammit for being 5 against 2.
Damn time for work, I will finish this blog when I get back FROM PETE YORN TONIGHT!!
Friday, May 09, 2003
I have decided to begin a new topic on this online journal...."Lessons I Have Learned Today"
I will begin this thread with today's story and follow that up with a story from yesterday that I apparently did NOT learn my lesson and repeated again today....
Story from today:
To avoid a mess in the kitchen, do not mix soda and alcohol in a water bottle then put your finger over the spout and proceed to roll the bottle to mix the two ingredients. Because when you remove your finger from the spout, it will be like volcano eruption. Tonight is yet another Logan House night if you have not guessed already. And there are two reasons for drinking prior to going. One, thats a few less drinks to actually purchase, therefore saving money. And two, by pre-gaming, you do not lose valuable gaming time at the venue. So yes, that is why I was mixing soda and alcohol in my Nike water bottle and thought it would be a good idea to roll it. Not a good idea.
Story from yesterday that was repeated today:
When you pour pasta from a bag into a pot on the stove, do not spill any noodles on the red hot burner. They will catch on fire. Yesterday I dropped a noodle on the burner and did not know it until the smoke detector went off and I found a little flame coming from the noodle on the burner. Now today, I made pasta again, and again, I spilled a noddle onto the burner. the smoke detector did not go off, but again, there was flammage in the kitchen. So yes, do not spill noodles on the burner. You will cause a fire.
I think Mr. Fish has a fungus.
Mr. Fish has a white spot on his back and is swimming a bit off kilter. He has also been chilling in the plant. Usually he doesn't chill in the plant, he prefers the back corner, but no, he was all up in the plant's business today.
This is my interpretation of Mr. Fish: })<>
I will keep you updated on Mr. Fish's condition.
Thursday, May 08, 2003
I think I am a vampire.
I was up till 4 am editing the Green to Think video. I think Jen, who was editing a package as well, and I knew we lost it when we struggled to open a box around 2:30am. We couldn't get the box open, and only after did we mangle it did we see the "open here" on the box. You often wonder why such obvious things have labels, such as "open here". Yeah, it's for epople like us in the wee hours of the morning when we have lost all common sense. Jen equated it with labels on irons. Unfortunately I must have missed that label since I still have a triangular mark from three years ago on my arm from when I thought it was a good idea to iron my shirt while still on me.
And speaking of good ideas, I forgot to mention this in my previous blog but was just reminded....Playing Grottos Pizza toss is always a good idea. At the GTT after party Dave wanted me to toss him a piece of pizza, so I asked if I could really toss it. Apparently a vote was taken and nearly all in the room thought this was a bad idea and that Dave and I were too hammered to make decision. Dave reminds everyone that this is really a good idea and to back off. Oh we were successful at the pizza toss.. So there!
And back to GTT. The music video fro Sunday's Were Made For This is going well. If nothing else, I have learned in the television industry that when you expect something to take a certain amount of time, multiply that by four. Again, I go to edit around 10 pm, the mandatory Wawa stop with the girls is crucial before editing--coffee and subs are key to a good work ethic, and didn't leave until 6 hours later. At least I got some things accomplished, Jen worked for about 10 hours for a 30 minute piece all because the Cube decided to die. And I thought I was the only one that broke equipment.
But back to the video again....it's going pretty well and it should be done *soon* so look for it shortly.... Working with 8 video tracks and 6 audio tracks to match up. The final cut will only have two audio tracks, but the other four are need to match the video up. And actually one track is a culmination of 4 other video tracks, so I guess technically I am working with 11 video tracks. Dizzamn. Don't get me wrong, I love doing this, but when I open my tracksheet I feel like a kid running into Toys R Us. You see so much stuff you want to play with and you dart back and forth from aisle to aisle because you want t play with everything and anything at once. At least the song is only 5 minutes long so I am a bit limited ;-) And maybe if the boys sang on time with their studio version then it wouldn't be such a daunting task ;-) So far the rough cut is remincent of a Japanimation film. Maybe I will have reason to use the Karate Kid cuts now....
Wednesday, May 07, 2003
Not only do I have jury duty the day after Natalie's wedding...but last week I got a letter from the superior court summoning me for duty in september. But wait, the fun doesn't stop there....I just checked the mail and whoooa boy, lemme clear my calendar, I have Jury Duty June 16th as well. WHAT IS THIS!?!?!?
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
awwwwwwwwwww..... checking my email......
i love the fact that every band refers to their guys as "the boys" so I know its not just me when I say:
"hey, yeah I'm off to go see the boys now" or
"yeah, the boys really pulled it off" or
"did the boys really just do that....!?"
In 28 hours I went to North Carolina and back.
I had to. There was no other option but to put on another thousand miles on my odometer. Jonasay opened up for Vertical Horizon. At ZIGGY's. VH is one of my favorite bands and I don't think I moved from the side of the stage from Send it Up until You're A God. It's a good thing security didn't try to move me from in front of the barricade because I was going nowhere. Enough said.
IHOP is always great, even better in the rain.
This week should be interesting....mucho hours at the record store...Ike on Thursday, Pat McGee Band and Lloyd Dobbler Effect on Friday, Pete Yorn on Saturday. Pat's favorite record store in DE is Rainbow, perhaps he'll pay a visit while I'm working before playing Newark. :-) Last time he bought some Brittany Spears because him and Chardy were going to see a Brittany show (or when you talk of homogenized bubble gum pop, is it called "show" or is it a "concert" or "performance") and he wanted to be prepared.......
I'm going to update my webapge now, check back in a few hours....
Saturday was the Mardi Gras bar loop in Wilmington. Karen, Melissa, and Rick and I went to four bars and ended up at Logan House. Though I was the DD, Melissa said that I looked the most trashed in the pictures that were taken. The pictures will be up on my site when I get back from work. We played a game called "lets see how many creepy old guys stare at miranda". we lost count after the third bar. Ok, just a word of advice to guys...don't be creepy. don't be obvious and don't say creepy things. that is not a turn on and we will just stand that much farther away from you.
ended the night with some Ike at the Logan House. talked to the guys after and hung out till way after close. John Faye initiated me "into the family". haha.
Good times :-) And none of us got kicked out. yay.
Friday was Rob's last day at work. So he wore a suit and cumberband (he couldn't find a bowtie) and Jen and I wore formal dresses. Seeing how I must have grown taller since the last time I wore my dress, my evening was dedicated to not violating the twon of Newark in our front side window. Hopefully I managed. We did all of our traditions...listened to Magnetic Fields, Death by Chocolate, and ended the evening with OUR song. "Birthday Bitches" by Insane Clown Posse. It's just a hilarious song. Rob didn;t know how IC P sounded, so we put in their newest cd and I thought the song title sounded funny, so we played that. And geez, its hilarious.......WHO SAYS THAT!?!? I'll find the lyrics and post them later. We had streamers, bubbles, and glow sticks. It was an all out rave in Rainbow on a happening Friday night.
Ok, what happened after that weekend...oh yeah Dewey GTT style. you should check out Green to Think at www.greentothink.com and check out Steve's road journal. Mine will pretty much mirror his haha.
On Friday, Steve, Ken, and Gilligan stopped by WVUD to do some acoustic songs in the studio and play around on air. The songs came out really well, I think we recorded seven.... The we picked out some music and went on air. everyone agrees that the Rhett Miller album is incredible. But have you ever heard GTT back it up? I brought up Steve and Ken up on air during the chorus and I swear I think I nearly fell off my chair from laughter. gilligan walked out and said he wanted nothing to do with this atrocity. It was definitely great. We had a lot of callersand had some fun on air. Good times, check back to GTT's site in the near future to see pictures from the studio.
Then we trekked down Main Street for dinner at the East End. And we looked for houses in PA. Trailers are pretty cheap. Then again, you can move to another zip code in a day if you need to by just putting wheels on the house. Steve reminded us that it was cheap for a reason. And the faucet was fun for all. No wonder all of us were in the bathroom for eternity. The faucet was very sensitive in that if you turned it slightly to the right or left it was comparable to Niagra Falls. Turning the water off became a well honed art.
Then off to Rainbow. We stopped so I could write them directions on how to get out of there, but of course no one can come to rainbow without buying music. lots of music. Lots of good music. Juliana Hatfield and TtWS were a few things that were bought. Gilligan bought a Muffs cd. Again, if you check out GTT's board, you will see how Gilligan got his Muff busted.
(and it is confirmed that Delaware rocks because of no tax and you can leave a camera on a bumper for 5 miles/2 hours and it will still be there when you return)
On Saturday Aurora and I head down to the beach. We went down to see the Dewey Beach Pop Festivaland so i could film GTT for their music video for Sundays Were Made For This (again, check out there site shortly to see it...). The show went all. Full attendence :-) I am gonna butcher everyones names, but hopefully I spell them right. How is it that the guys have the simple names and us girls are the ones with the interesting spellings?!?! Maryellen, Dareen, and Meggan were there and we all got to hang out during the show and after......but more to after later... Also saw Ike play and hung out with them a little but after. Definitely a solid performance. Who else did we see...Pilot radio...Wayne Supergenius....peppers ghost.....hmmmmm can't remember who else...
So since everyone caused a ruckus Friday night, we didn;t want to party at the Southwinds. So i go and get a hotel since we were filming the music video on Sunday. Aurora said that the Marina Sands was totally booked, but I figured we'd try anyway. Aurora, Dave, Dareen, and I went there and the woman gave us a $400 suite for $60. SCORE. So the crew was called and a good time was had in room 410. The room without the number on the front. Had some drinks...had some food...had the camera........
I don't even know where to bign...the superstrong drinks, Ken telling me to "lay off the raspberry shit" Steve's nack and Ken's teeth....Dave and I playing pizza toss. general chaos.....then the napkins emerged.....Chris didn't come over to hang out, so we took his face button and i drew a body and a bass on a napkin. So we pretended Chris was there. That was fun, but not as fun as having GTT as a napkin band. So I made bodies to match all of the GTT pins. That with an immense amount of plastic bottle vodka and captain calls for good times. I think I was seriously crying from laughter most of the time. I can't even explain. If I am crafty enough, I will post it on my site.
And the captain himself came out to close out the party....support original spiced rum, not cover spiced rum
Then the filming of the music video on the beach.
But before that, we ate at Sharkey's. the coolest eatery at the beach :-) Sharkey works 14 hours a day at his restaraunt. And his food is mighty fine.
I think the footage came out great, so lets see what can happen with it now. Between the chorus and the bridge, there was a little Karate Kid action. What is it about poles that makes guys think that they can actually be stuntmen like in the movies ;-) Again, check out the GTT message board for info all about Dave and his masterful pole work..... ;-)
and I think I filmed too much on the beach since at the end, Ken yells out "CAN WE GO HOME YET!!! let's get the hell out of Dodge"
so we did.