"I'm spinning round the room in awe" ryan adams

Thursday, October 14, 2004

how i spent my birthday

I woke up way later than I should have, but still earlier than usual. I don't understand how people can start their days at 8 am. Eeeeek.

Oddly enough I talked to Mark for about 2 hours, catching up on a lot of personal and band stuff. Though he did call me before noon (i have a rule against that you know, just because i am up doesn't mean i want to talk to anyone), but i do make exceptions. What an emotionally heavy conversation!

Went shopping for a few hours and then out to dinner with my mom. Got lost in PA and met up with Chris, Katie, and Jake at the Point for the late Ben Lee/Teitur show.

The Point's mint hot chocolate is fabulous.

Teitur played about half old, half new songs, but with a band. Band meaning drums, upright bass, and either acoustic or electric guitar. They did an interesting cover of "Great Balls of Fire" as the closer.
"We are performing this in a minor key...because we know Jerry likes minors..." - Teitur

pet peeves #483 & #274

A couple was my obstacle on my way to the tv studio this morning. The sidewalk isn't that large and this duo was walking way too slow. So I burned holes through their backs.

As I am staring at them, impelling them to move, I started to study them. They were both walking with their arm around the other's waist. That can't be comfortable. I watched their awkward gait and wondered why they felt the need to touch each other for an extra five minutes. Not that I am against PDA's, but goodness, it looked like they were holding on to a liferaft or something.

And speaking of something similar. People who sit on the same side of the booth in restaurants bother me. Seriously! First off, you aren't looking at the person you are with, second - it is just unbalanced!

So there you have it, my thoughts of 12:20pm.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Birthday messages

I think out of all the birthday e-mail/messages/calls I got, this PM is the best because it is just so fitting...

"So I think I've met you a few times... Maybe on the bus once or twice in a parking lot or two & with Morgan in I don't even have a clue what city. At any rate - just saying Happy Birthday!"

Though Marissa's card all the way from France made me laugh the most. Haha. :-)

two words that i don't like

"lil" and "heart"
as in a shortened form of the word little and a noun acting as a verb.

oh, and it's my 24th birthday. i will write a panic stricken blog during work tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Sunday night

I really was going to stay in and get a lot of band (various bands, the term has been more universal lately) stuff done. But noooo....there had to be a football game and bar action.

Started the evening off at Grottos then walked down to the Deer Park to meet up with Mike Clarke and Fin. Fin was gone, but amazingly had composure. We watched the game, made fun of Chorduroy (local cover band), and talked of cities. Wow, its almost been seven years, and granted I don't hang out with them nearly as much as I did, it's always fun.

Vagueness, to protect the not so innocent...
Around midnight I met up with a friend and we headed off to the Eagle diner. Diners should only be open from 10pm to 6 am. It is an unwritten law that you cannot eat at a diner when it is daylight. Derek and Lisa met up with us shortly after we arrived. I love hanging out with Derek because he tells the best stories. We compared Grape notes, and his night was more entertaining then mine. Mr. North loved them, which is fantastic. Derek was right up front for their performance and witnessed first hand the effects of drinking since 11 am then playing a gig 12 hours later! Colin apparently was throwing up then singing right back into the mic smiling. Oisin actually had to leave the stage because he wasn't feeling well and Colin grabbed the bass. "Look at me, I'm playing the bass!" (said in an irish accent)

To top it all off, Derek ran over their pedal boards in the parking lot while they were loading. Derek panicked and felt awful, but since the whole Mr. North camp was insanely drunk, they were cool with it. The Irish are so jolly!

As Lisa and Derek left, Derek told me that he was offered a gig on Halloween but cancelled it because of my party. That's right kids, you better rearrange your schedule to come. Details forthcoming. Halloween. Costume not optional.

Sunday night

I really was going to stay in and get a lot of band (various bands, the term has been more universal lately) stuff done. But noooo....there had to be a football game and bar action.

Started the evening off at Grottos then walked down to the Deer Park to meet up with Mike Clarke and Fin. Fin was gone, but amazingly had composure. We watched the game, made fun of Chorduroy (local cover band), and talked of cities. Wow, its almost been seven years, and granted I don't hang out with them nearly as much as I did, it's always fun.

Vagueness, to protect the not so innocent...
Around midnight I met up with a friend and we headed off to the Eagle diner. Diners should only be open from 10pm to 6 am. It is an unwritten law that you cannot eat at a diner when it is daylight. Derek and Lisa met up with us shortly after we arrived. I love hanging out with Derek because he tells the best stories. We compared Grape notes, and his night was more entertaining then mine. Mr. North loved them, which is fantastic. Derek was right up front for their performance and witnessed first hand the effects of drinking since 11 am then playing a gig 12 hours later! Colin apparently was throwing up then singing right back into the mic smiling. Oisin actually had to leave the stage because he wasn't feeling well and Colin grabbed the bass. "Look at me, I'm playing the bass!" (said in an irish accent)

To top it all off, Derek ran over their pedal boards in the parking lot while they were loading. Derek panicked and felt awful, but since the whole Mr. North camp was insanely drunk, they were cool with it. The Irish are so jolly!

As Lisa and Derek left, Derek told me that he was offered a gig on Halloween but cancelled it because of my party. That's right kids, you better rearrange your schedule to come. Details forthcoming. Halloween. Costume not optional.

Tanya's Birthday

October was meant for birthdays. The month long celebration started on Friday with Tanya turning the big 2-4. Eeek. We all turn 24 this month. January 1980 must have been an excellent month.

I had an insane amount of callers on my show Friday afternoon, and that is always a good thing. Mark told me as I was leaving that he always gets good feedback about my show and says it is one of the most listened to. Great! (so thank you all for listening and tell your friends haha)

I pick up Dan on the way to Philly, but only because he made me an omelette for dinner. I think he cheated because it was perfectly shaped and cooked. Nothing like my omelette experience a few weeks ago.

Make it up to Tanya's for some pre evening boozing and hung out with her roomates before heading to the Grape. Dan grabbed a few beers for us for the ride and off we went to Manayunk.

I love the Grape - always chock full of everyone from the Philly music scene, its like a little reunion every week. Tanya and I grabbed our usual shot and continued our blurry celebration.

Mr. North was amazing, really drunk but amazing. Derek told me later that they were actually throwing up on stage. Rock and roll.

Details details details. Just a lot of talking to different people and planning.

Oh! We went to the diner after. Nothing is finer than the Aramingo diner.

5 am was bedtime.

Super Size Me

I just watched this movie last night and I thought I was going to get sick. I think I can count on one hand how many times I went to McDonalds when I was younger. So gross. I can't even write about it. That is it. I am done. Blech.

Monday, October 11, 2004


Well...It is all over the news...The winning Powerball ticket was sold in Delaware and the winner has yet to come forward.

My mom and some coworkers buy a ticket together every week. They always hide the ticket and don't look at the numbers until after they are drawn, and because of the holiday, none of them know what numbers their ticket is.

Could you imagine? Yay - I would have health insurance haha.

Nothing this awesome ever happens in my life, but its fun to ponder.

Hmmmmm...what would I do (granted I am not involved with the ticket at all, but still I am sure I will see SOME of it haha)
Pay off my excrutiatingly high credit card bill
Pay off my car

Hmmm...what else what else? I don't need anything...
Really sad that so many chase the dollar, but I just sat here for about ten minutes trying to think of what I would do with all of that money and I can't think of anything substantial...

If I never had to work again ever, I would definitely pursue competitive riding again. I just don't have the time anymore. Or I would open up my own venue...Oh wait, that still may happen.

Still no word on the outcome of the Balloon to those of you keeping tabs...
Enough musing for now, back to work.